• Health, Healing & Wellness •

Marisa Cranfill's




The “Marisa Cranfill YoQi Collection” is a complete routine
designed to purify, nourish, and balance the organ
meridians all major organs of the body and the mind.

What is YOQi?  YOQI was developed over years combining and maintaining the integrity of the ancient Yoga and Qigong traditions. Both practices contain key principles and techniques that enhance stamina and sensitivity to energy during meditation sessions. The routines reduce physical pain and give you more focus and quality of awareness as you practice them.

Awaken your inner healer, promote healthy
blood circulation, and open your heart!


DVD: YoQi: Qigong Flow for Immune System Boost
by Marisa Cranfill

Your immune system protects your body against pathogens like viruses, bacteria, mold, and also “external pathogens” as defined in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) such as heat, cold, and dampness. White blood cells throughout your entire body require energy (Qi) to function. Common ways to compromise the immune system are chronic stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, toxic air, and lack of movement.

In TCM, the strength of your immune system depends on your vitality and life force energy, called Qi. People with high vitality have a strong immune system and better response to viral infection. Qigong is a selfcare practice designed to enhance your vitality Qi and effectively boost your immune system. There are three basic ways to keep the immune system strong which I call the three B’s: Balanced Digestion, Balanced Hormones and Balanced Emotions.

This easy to follow series contains a selection of routines that focus on this balance. The two core lessons are the Immune System Support Flow and Immune System Defense Flow. Both lessons include techniques for emotional balance, creating coherence between your body, mind, and spirit. There are also two bonus lessons to strengthen your wei qi (guardian energy) called Body Patting and Embrace the Tree.


DVD: YoQi: Six Healing Sounds
by Marisa Cranfill

It is well known that grief, fear, stress, anger, and worry have a direct effect on our health and well-being. The Six Healing Sounds is an ancient qigong method that uses sound vibration to transform negative emotions into positive virtues. In the “YoQi: Six Healing Sounds” video, master instructor Marisa Cranfill will guide you through the postures, sounds and visualizations and help you clear your body of toxins and stress to create long-lasting transformation.

The Six Healing Sounds Method (Liu Qi Fa) dates to the 4th century CE. There are many applications and interpretations of the sounds. Marisa leads you through the classic postures, sounds and visualizations designed to regulate the Qi flow through the five Yin organs and Triple Warmer.

The method of the 6 Healing Sounds is a purging and regulating formula that is practiced in this order:

• Combine the sound, posture and intention to clear out the negative emotion.
• Recycle negative energy into mother earth.
• Spiral the hands over the target organ.
• Visualize colored light to infuse the organ with healing energy.
• Smile and activate the virtue of the organ.

You will learn:

• The sounds, postures, and visualizations according to the classic 6 Healing Sounds method.
• Become aware of your internal organs and “listen” to how they feel.
• Delete the negative memory link between your mind and organs and remove the root cause of the emotion.
• How to transform old negative energy into positive virtues.

This video contains two routine options: a shorter form (23 min) and a long form (32 min). The long form incorporates eye movements to help release distressing memories and beliefs.


DVD: YoQi: Qigong Flow for Stress & Anxiety Relief
by Marisa Cranfill

The “YoQi: Qigong Flow for Stress and Anxiety Relief” movements empower you to transform stress and anxiety back into vitality when you need it most. YoQi master instructor Marisa Cranfill teaches you how to use special sound vibrations and breathing with tension and release exercises to clear pent up emotional stress on both the physical and energetic levels. The routine ends with gentle, flowing movements to smooth the Qi (energy) and reharmonize the nervous system to a state of relaxation and inner peace.

Many people function in a stressed state; some people can even thrive in it. But chronic stress and anxiety are different matters. Both anxiety and stress have a biological impact on the nervous system, the Heart, Kidneys, Liver and Spleen that can lead to serious issues like insomnia, nervous disorders, digestive issues and panic attacks. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, anxiety is understood as disturbance of the Heart spirit (Shen). Anxiety is an intense level of stress that is “embodied fear”. So how do we transform fear into love?

You will learn

• To release stress, pent up tension, fear, and anxiety with a practical qigong routine.
• To become aware of the state of your stress level, which gives you more power to transform it.
• To use the Six Healing Sounds with flowing movements to gradually feel relief.
• To clear the negative beliefs and acquired thoughts so you can tap into the effortless flow of the present moment.
• How to calm your emotions so you can make balanced rational decisions that serve your highest good.

This video contains a shorter form (28 min) you can use when you have less time or energy to practice, and the complete long form (43 min).


DVD:YoQi: Qigong Flow for a Happy Heart
by Marisa Cranfill

Qigong Flow for a Happy Heart is a complete routine designed to purify, nourish, and balance the heart and small-intestine meridians. In traditional Chinese medicine, the heart and small intestine resonate with the fire element and the virtue of eternal happiness. The heart is a miraculous organ. It contracts and relaxes constantly, one hundred thousand times per day, at a precise rhythm to sustain our life. Energetically, the heart is the home of our spirit, called shen in Chinese. Its state of balance allows us to connect meaningfully to the world and follow our most accurate inner guidance.

A happy heart is a calm heart, and it expresses itself through laughter, enjoyment, and love. This routine begins with stretch and flow movements that open the heart and ignite the fire element to detoxify negative emotions and excess heat, and to activate your internal love engine. This is followed by Qigong Flow movements that focus on cultivating internal alchemy by uniting fire and water—ultimately invoking your sense of compassion and wisdom. Choose this routine to promote healthy blood circulation, connection, love, healing energy, and patience. It can help if you feel anxious, rejected, depressed, unfulfilled, or burned out. Filmed at the ancient Buddhist temple ruins in Ayutthaya, Thailand.


DVD:YoQi: Qigong Flow for Happy Lungs
by Marisa Cranfill

Qigong Flow for Happy Lungs is a complete routine designed to balance and support the lungs and large intestine. In traditional Chinese medicine, the vibration of the lungs resonates with the metal element and the virtue of courage to embrace the present moment.

The lungs take in “pure” qi from oxygen in the air and exhale “toxic” qi back into the atmosphere. As the commanders of qi, they are responsible for the synthesis of qi and defense qi (wei qi). If the lungs are weak, the immune system is compromised. When lung qi is strong, energy is metabolized, and the immune system and all the meridians benefit. Energetically, the lungs govern our ability to live life in the present moment with each breath. They are affected by sadness and grief, and their virtue is courage and righteousness.

Inspired by the Chinese spirit animal of the lungs, the tiger, this flow uses invigorating warm-ups, healing sounds, and flows that target the lung meridian to access your internal power. Choose this routine to increase your energy, prevent seasonal allergies, boost your immune system, transform sadness into courage, get inspired, and tune into the present moment. Filmed in a natural reserve in Chonburi, Thailand.

A healthy and happy liver is a resilient liver;
it is both flexible and strong


DVD:YoQi: Qigong Flow for a Happy Liver
by Marisa Cranfill

Qigong Flow for a Happy Liver is a complete routine designed to support the liver and gallbladder. In traditional Chinese medicine, the vibration of the liver resonates with the wood element, the season of spring, and the capacity for growth.

The liver is the largest digestive organ in the body, performing hundreds of different jobs to filter the blood and keep the body free from toxins. Energetically, it oversees the smooth flow of qi through the blood, muscles, and tendons. As an organ of detoxification and qi flow, the liver is affected by stress, anger, heat, toxins, and pollution.

A healthy and happy liver is a resilient liver; it is both flexible and strong. Qigong Flow for a Happy Liver cultivates this concept of resiliency using a style of qigong called the Swimming Dragon. The characteristic of the Swimming Dragon uses joint spirals and twists to release tension, detoxify the liver, nourish tendons, and get the qi flowing.Choose this routine to see new perspectives, increase your energy, detoxify the system, support liver health, transform frustration, cultivate kindness, and put your creative vision into action. Filmed in the Redwood National Park forest in northern California.

Rejuvenate your energy, and tap into the effortless
flow of your own internal power source.


DVD:YoQi: Qigong Flow for Happy Kidneys
by Marisa Cranfill

Qigong Flow for Happy Kidneys is a complete routine designed to balance and nourish the kidneys and urinary bladder. In traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys resonate with the water element and the spirt of willpower. Happy kidneys are the key to energetic stamina, sexual potency, and longevity. They not only regulate the body fluids and filter the blood, but they are also considered the energy batteries of our body. The kidneys store yuan qi,the precious gift of innate qi inherited from our parents. They also store reserve qi, jing qi,which affects our general energy and sexual potency. When our kidney energy is weak, the whole body becomes weak, and we cannot actualize our full potential or willpower. When the kidneys are strong, we have a reserve of potent energy to draw upon throughout our life.

Happy kidneys are relaxed kidneys. This routine uses the qigong principles of dynamic relaxation and effortless flow to embody the water element, promoting deep relaxation and rejuvenation. Water is characterized by tranquility and fluidity. The Daoist classics describe water as soft and yielding, yet extremely powerful. Choose this routine to promote longevity and charge your internal batteries, and to transform stress, fatigue, fear, or shock. Filmed on the beach in Hua Hin, Thailand.

Connect to your center, get grounded,
and support healthy digestion.


DVD:YoQi: Qigong Flow for a Happy Spleen & Stomach
by Marisa Cranfill

Qigong Flow for a Happy Spleen & Stomach is a complete routine designed to purge and fortify the spleen, pancreas, and stomach. In TCM , the spleen, pancreas and stomach resonate with the earth element and our capacity to trust life. The spleen is an important organ and is often underrated. Not only does it play a role in our immune system, blood filtration, and digestion, but energetically, it is also the center of stability that supports mental clarity and confidence.

A happy spleen is a stable spleen. Poor diet, excessive stress, worry, or neglect of the body can weaken the spleen and lead to numerous problems, such as digestive issues, fatigue, nausea, foggy head, body aches, and self-doubt. Qigong Flow for a Happy Spleen & Stomach uses specific qigong movements that cultivate centering and grounding. The flows focus on balancing yin and yang, connecting to the three forces (heaven, earth, and human), and using energy-ball techniques to fortify the lower dan tian energy center. Choose this routine to promote healthy digestion and grounding, transform worries, make decisions, clear the mind, and balance fatigue. Filmed in Joshua Tree National Park, California.

Try Marisa Cranfill's YoQi Collection
and you'll receive these extra bonuses,
worth $63, yours free:

Meridian Qigong eBook
Follow along and learn how a unique combination of simple yoga stretches, qigong movements, and acupressure techniques can relieve energy stagnation and rejuvenate your entire body.


Expanding Energy
with YoQi Report
A special report of supplemental reading for you to enjoy in expanding your knowledge of practicing YoQi for health and longevity.


Six Healing Sounds CHART
A printable, PDF chart of the Six Healing Sounds, their properties, and more.


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How To Proceed In This Program
With Marisa Cranfill:

  • Alternate between all videos at least four days each week. Do the sessions in any order you like.
  • Follow-along with Marisa Cranfill as she instructs and guides you through each above session.
  • Feel free to skip weekend days (i.e. Saturdays and/or Sundays) or any time you need to rest or need recovery.

Marisa Cranfill's YoQi Collection
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Here's What You'll Get Inside The Box:

You Can Try “Marisa Cranfill's YoQi Collection” Today--for only $64.

Get the complete “Marisa Cranfill's YoQi Collection” video series by Marisa Cranfill to experience personal instruction from the world’s foremost authority on the topic of YoQi.

    • Qigong Flow for Immune System Boost is a complete routine designed to address the he three B’s: Balanced Digestion, Balanced Hormones and Balanced Emotions.

    • Qigong Flow for a Happy Heart is a complete routine designed to purify, nourish, and balance the heart and small-intestine meridians.

    • Qigong Flow for Happy Lungs is a complete routine designed to balance and support the lungs and large intestine
    • Qigong Flow for a Happy Liver is a complete routine designed to support the liver and gallbladder.

    • Qigong Flow for Happy Kidneys is a complete routine designed to balance and nourish the kidneys and urinary bladder.

    • Qigong Flow for a Happy Spleen & Stomach is a complete routine designed to purge and fortify the spleen, pancreas, and stomach.

    • “YoQi: Six Healing Sounds” video, master instructor Marisa Cranfill will guide you through the postures, sounds and visualizations and help you clear your body of toxins and stress to create long-lasting transformation.

    • “YoQi: Qigong Flow for Stress and Anxiety Relief” empowers you to transform stress and anxiety back into vitality when you need it most.

    • BONUS Chart: Six Healing Sounds Chart. (Valued at $8.99)
    • BONUS Report: Expanding Energy with YoQi, (Valued at $19.99)
    • BONUS eBOOK: “Meridian Qigong Exercises: Combining Qigong, Yoga, & Acupressure” by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming: Follow along and learn a unique combination of simple yoga stretches, qigong movements, and acupressure techniques. (Valued at $9.99)
    • BONUS: Free Shipping. (Valued at $24, yours free.)
    • This program contains over 15 hours of content!

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Why You Can Trust Our Authors to Lead
You In Your Pursuit Of Qi...

Marisa Cranfill

Marisa Cranfill is the founder of YOQI yoga + qigong. Frequent trips to Asia as a child inspired Marisa to study academically and work there for over 15 years. While living in China and Thailand she received direct transmission from Qigong masters, nuns and healers in both the Buddhist and Taoist traditions. Marisa developed YOQI over years of teaching Yoga and Qigong at meditation retreats. She found that both practices contained key principles and techniques that enhanced the student’s stamina and sensitivity to energy during the long seated meditation sessions. The routines reduced physical pain and gave them more focus and quality of awareness.

Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming

Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming (楊俊敏博士) started his Gongfu (Kung Fu) training at the age of fifteen under the Shaolin White Crane (Bai He) Master Cheng, Gin Gsao (曾金灶). In thirteen years of study (1961-1974) under Master Cheng, Dr. Yang became an expert in the White Crane style of Chinese martial arts, which includes both the use of bare hands and of various weapons such as saber, staff, spear, trident, two short rods, and many others. With the same master he also studied White Crane Qin Na (or Chin Na), Tui Na and Dian Xue massages, and herbal treatment. At the age of sixteen, Dr. Yang began the study of Taijiquan (Yang Style) under Master Kao, Tao (高濤). Dr. Yang's tai chi can be traced back to the Yang family through Master Kao's teacher Yue, Huanzhi (樂奐之), an indoor disciple of Yang, Chengfu (楊澄甫). After learning from Master Kao, Dr. Yang continued his study and research of Taijiquan with Master Li, Mao-Ching (李茂 清) and training partner Mr. Wilson Chen in Taipei. Master Li learned his Taijiquan from the well-known Master Han, Ching-Tang, and Mr. Chen learned his Taijiquan from Master Chang, Xiang-San. Dr. Yang has mastered the Taiji barehand sequence, pushing hands, the two-man fighting sequence, Taiji sword, Taiji saber, and Taiji Qigong.

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