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Learn This 1,030-Year-Old Internal Martial Art Called “Water Style Boxing” And Discover Your Ultimate Transformation of Body, Mind, Spirit and Health!

Today We Welcome You to Try
“The Water Style Liuhebafa Unifying Training System” with Enriching and Exclusive In-Depth Content for You

YMAA Publication Center and Helen Liang knew it was time to deliver a third internal martial arts style to you. Liuhebafa describes the natural merging of body, mind, and spirit….

The origins of Liuhebafa, also called Water Boxing, can be traced to the Daoist sage Chen Tuan (989 a.d.)

Liuhebafa was the last of the internal methods to be taught outside China.

Liuhebafa has all of the power, aggressiveness, and directness of Xingyi. It has all of the yielding and neutralizing abilities of Taiji. It has all of the circling and enveloping power of Bagua.

Liuhebafa uses external and internal training to strengthen and fortify the body. It employs Chen Tuan’s Dream Methods and contemplative exteriorization methods to experience those realms and dimensions that exist beyond the physical worlds.

Liuhebafa is the next step for many in their training. As the student explores and experiences the methods of Liuhebafa, they understand that Liuhebafa has taken them through the threshold and that there will always be one more step to take.

In Liuhebafa, Mind/Intent is the Higher Mind, Wisdom Mind, or Creative Imagination.

Higher Mind is a faculty of the
Essential or True Self.

Mind/Intent is the neutral point between cause (yang) and effect (yin).

By attaining the neutral point, you can understand the ebb and flow of life so that you do not run contrary to it; you consciously cooperate with it.

Water Style for Beginners: Liu He Ba Fa Streaming Video

Water style is the next step in your internal-arts journey.
Like tai chi, Water style is a popular internal martial art known for centuries to transform your health. In this follow-along video, Master Helen teaches a basic understanding of the 66-movement Water-style form, explaining the correct movements with the martial and energetic purposes of each movement.
Water style, also known as Liu He Ba Fa, emphasizes smooth, flowing movements that alternate between slow and fast, soft and hard, like the transformation of water between solid, liquid, and steam. The movements resemble floating clouds and flowing water, sometimes calm, sometimes surging. The student learns how the body generates force through alignment (kinetic energy), and how to channel qi (intrinsic energy) into powerful movements, resulting in improved circulation.
Master Helen guides you with:
• Water-style form walk-through
• Water style step-by-step instruction
• Clear explanation of energetic principles
Water style is said to have the firm softness and fluidity of tai chi, the intense power of xingyi, and the evasive coiling of bagua. Learning and mastering this form offers a beautiful way to refine your mind (xin) and spirit (yi).
(Water style is recommended as a next step for those with some experience with other internal martial arts, such as tai chi, bagua, and xingyi).

Liuhabafa Five Character Secrets eBOOK

The origins of Liuhebafa (also called Water Boxing) can be traced back to the Daoist sage Chen Tuan (c. 871-989 A.D.). Chen is a mystical figure whose advice and perspective was sought by ancient Chinese Emperors.
Liuhebafa was the last of the internal methods to be taught outside China. Even inside China, Liuhebafa had an almost mythic quality. Among the groups of inner circle students, Liuhebafa was graduate study in the internal arts.
Liuhebafa’s Five Character Secrets (of Li Dong Feng) are the original precepts of this rare internal martial art known as Huayue Xinyi Liuhebafaquan. Li Dong Feng discovered aged manuscripts of Chen Tuan, during an expedition to Chen’s ancient mountain home. Realizing the importance of what he had found, Li remained on Mount Hua until he mastered the material in the manuscripts.
Li returned to his home and then recorded all he had learned on Mount Hua in one hundred and thirty-four verses now known as The Five Character Secrets of Li Dong Feng. This is the only existing treatise on the original principles of Liuhebafa.
This book contains the original Chinese treatise of Li Dong Feng, Pinyin Romanization of the Chinese characters, word for word translation, literal translation, interpretive translation and the author’s commentary on the meaning of each verse.
There is more here than meets the eye. It is wise to approach the Secrets with a beginner’s mind. Imagine being beckoned to sit by the fire. Lean a little closer to better hear the master as he recites the lines that will open the doors of your mind and heart.

Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles eBOOK

Since ancient times Tai Chi Chuan has been practiced as a holistic mind/body fitness system, bringing immense benefits for practitioners in health, longevity, relaxation, and concentration. But Tai Chi Chuan was also practiced as an effective and deadly martial art.
Because of this, the ancient masters rarely disclosed their secrets, guarding them as closely as they would military secrets. They preserved their profound insights in obscure songs, poems, and classics, revealing only to those they considered trustworthy and ready for such secrets. That is, until this century.
Now, you can reap the benefits of centuries of wisdom and practical experience to deepen and refine your Tai Chi Chuan. Discover ways to reach the essence of your Form and take your Push Hands to higher levels.
Dr. Yang has translated these classics from the original Chinese, and has written commentaries to make them more accessible to contemporary minds. Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles is an invaluable resource for students who seek true understanding of their art, and the Wu & Li Styles, focusing heavily on internal development, are perfect for advanced practitioners.

The Dao De Jing: A Qigong Interpretation eBOOK

This book examines one of the world’s most enduring and influential literary works through the timeless art of qigong. In his words, Lao Tzu (or Laozi), author of the Dao De Jing, embodies qigong principles, advocating the cultivation of mind and body. Only when we know qigong can we know Lao Tzu—and only when we know Lao Tzu can we know the Dao De Jing.
Lao Tzu’s writing has been read, translated, and discussed around the globe. It deals with principles that transcend time and culture. That is why this ancient text has been reimagined countless times in books on business, relationships, and parenting—but never with a focus on the art of qigong. This makes the Dao De Jing: A Qigong Interpretation unique and indispensible.
Many chapters in the Dao De Jing purely talk about qigong, especially the practices of regulating the body, breathing, mind, qi, and spirit.
Dr. Yang, a renowned author, scholar, and martial artist, devoted decades to researching and writing this book. He interprets and analyzes the 81 chapters of the Dao De Jing. His commentary will bring new insight, inspiration, and depth to your understanding of Lao Tzu’s words—and to your qigong practice.
This book includes:

• The complete Dao De Jing in English and its original Chinese text
• Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming’s commentary and analysis of each chapter
• Numerous illustrations and diagrams

The Dao De Jing: A Qigong Interpretation is not a book of instruction. It is about the Way—the path before us, in qigong and in life, where what you achieve comes through your own understanding.

Previews From
“The Water Style Liuhebafa Unifying Training System”

If Liuhebafa is your first internal martial arts style:

- Watch the complete program Water Style for Beginners: Liu He Ba Fa DVD Video
- Review Liuhabafa Five Character Secrets Book by by Paul Dillon
- Watch the complete program Water Style Boxing (Liu He Ba Fa) Videos 1 & 2
- Establish your training regime. For example 60 minutes 4 times per week.
- Begin your training with Water Style for Beginners: Liu He Ba Fa DVD Video
- Establish your understanding with Liuhabafa Five Character Secrets Book

If Liuhabafa is your second or third internal martial arts style:

- Review Liuhabafa Five Character Secrets Book by Paul Dillon
- Watch the complete program Water Style for Beginners: Liu He Ba Fa Video
- Establish your training regime.
- Deepen your understanding with Liuhabafa Five Character Secrets Book.
- Ponder and reflect on commonalities to your primary internal style.
- Begin your training with Water Style for Beginners: Liu He Ba Fa Video

YOUR FULL ASSURANCE IS GUARANTEED: If you do not fully appreciate and enjoy “The Water Style Liuhebafa Unifying Training System” you may get a full refund (for up to 30 days), and as always there are no questions asked, and no hassles on returns ever…
More importantly, if you don’t find the results you want with “The Water Style Liuhebafa Unifying Training System” we’ll take very good care of you. If you call us, or email us (customerservice@ymaa.com) we’d always be happy to help you find the right program that will deliver the specific result you need.

There’s Something Else You Should Know And It’s Very Important…

No other Liuhebafa Training anywhere does as much as the “The Water Style Liuhebafa Unifying Training System” does to deliver and amazing experience of unification of mind, spirit and body to you as this program does. But the practical question Helen Liang answers through this program is important: How can you make the special internal art of Liuhebafa Training matter most to you?
We made a special arrangement for you to capture all of Helen Liang’s timeless trainings session-by-session in this special program, to help you do just that — get the most from your training, so that you can make your training a meaningful part of your life. When you do that, you’re life takes on renewed energy, zest, vitality, skill and fitness becomes a wonderful byproduct.
Holding the “The Water Style Liuhebafa Unifying Training System” in your hands will mean so much to you… however, using the training each week will matter a lot more — as you see and feel the gains you are making.

“The Water Style Liuhebafa Unifying Training System” Today — for ONLY $37.

Here’s All I’ll Get in “The Water Style Liuhebafa Unifying Training System”

- Water Style for Beginners: Liu He Ba Fa Video by Helen Liang— Water style is a popular internal martial art known for centuries to transform your health. In this follow-along video, Master Helen teaches a basic understanding of the 66-movement Water-style form, explaining the correct movements with the martial and energetic purposes of each movement.
- Liuhebafa Five Character Secrets ONLINE eBook by Paul Dillon— Liuhebafa’s Five Character Secrets (of Li Dong Feng) are the original precepts of this rare internal martial art known as Huayue Xinyi Liuhebafaquan. Li discovered aged manuscripts of Chen Tuan, during an expedition to Chen’s ancient mountain home.
- Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles ONLINE eBook by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming — Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles is an invaluable resource for students who seek true understanding of their art, and how it complements Liuhebafa, focusing heavily on internal development, and is perfect for advanced practitioners.
- The Dao De Jing: A Qigong Interpretation ONLINE eBook by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming — Dr. Yang, a renowned author, scholar, and martial artist, devoted decades to researching and writing this book. He interprets and analyzes the 81 chapters of the Dao De Jing. His commentary will bring new insight, inspiration, and depth to your understanding of Lao Tzu’s words—and to your qigong practice.

Helen Liang will challenge you throughout every movement in “The Water Style Liuhebafa Unifying Training System”… This invigorating martial arts training includes everything you need to complete your training. Helen Liang now respectfully welcomes you to join her…


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I will pay-in-full TODAY for my copy of “The Water Style Liuhebafa Unifying Training System”, for only $63.

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OPTION#2: Try “The Water Style Liuhebafa Unifying Training System” for ONLY $37 TODAY (Two-Pay)
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I understand that I will pay $37 today, followed by one additional monthly payment of $37, each 30 days apart for the program until a total of two monthly payments have been made.

Why You Can Trust Our Masters to Lead
You In Your Pursuit Of Liu He Ba Fa…

Paul served in the United States Air Force during the Vietnam era.
His martial arts training began in 1962, primarily in the Japanese styles. Some of the arts he studied included Judo, Shorin Ryu, Kamishin Ryu Kempo, Shin Mugei Iaido, and Aikido. In the later part of the 1960’s he began his studies in Fu Jow Pai, Hsing I, Bagua, Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan. Paul’s Liuhebafa training was under the instruction of Master Li Chung.
Paul has been teaching Liuhebafa since 1978.[/text_block]

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